Thursday, November 26, 2020

Little Shop of Horrors

 (While Dreaming)

I encountered my old boss Larry.  We had not parted on good terms, mostly because he is a massive jerk but for whatever reason, we are chatting amicably now.  In fact we even plan to go to a movie.  On the walk up to to the theater, he asks me about red feathers and says his sister likes them.  He also says he's heard there is a coating that can be put on the feathers that can make them better quality and more fluffy.  In the dream, I understand this and talk about how the coating makes them great for hair feathers (feathers that are clipped into hair for decorative purposes) and makes them nice and supple in the hair with a nice S curve.  

 As we get towards the door of the theater, apparently there is a change of plans and we reverse directions.  I think we are going back to his store but am not sure.  He is driving and he seems to go insanely fast on a highway that twists and turns and is so narrow I can't really see it.  I do my best not to be scared of dying in a car crash but it isn't easy.  

We arrive in a sunny relaxing paved area between stores where people walk casually and we chat more.  I think about the scary road to the location and he surprises me by asking my what I am thinking about.  I blurt out, "It's a good day to die!" and surprisingly, he chuckles good naturedly even though the statement is nonsensical. 

Then a very dark black young man in a expensive looking sharp grey wool coat comes walking by.  He seems nervous and I wonder if Larry will accuse him of stealing since that is the kind of assumption Larry would often make.  But instead they talk in a friendly way, even though I get the impression they do not know each other.  

The next thing I know, they have walked off together, side by side and are already far away. I decide to follow out of curiosity and hustle after them.  Soon I turn a corner and the street is now wide with tall gothic style stores and structures on both side and abandoned streets.  I assume people are staying inside due to the pandemic.  The sky is now overcast and soon an insanely heavy rain begins to fall.  I decide that I can handle some rain and continue on.  

Soon I come to a huge stone structure that looks like the underside of a massive overpass but very old and cool looking, albeit a bit creepy.  It's so big I can't really see the end of it, almost like a tunnel and rather poorly lit. As I go under, I see some workers on ladders trying to pry open some holes in the roof that look like some kind of drainage.  I get the impression there is a type of pressure buildup that needs to be relieved, these emergency workers are almost frantic trying to relieve the pressure quickly.  Somehow there is a store front to my right with huge windows, it reminds me of Larry's old store but inside I see a scene from a horror movie.  

Half human half ghoulish creatures are somehow pouring into the store.  I feel like they are draining in like liquid from portals but then materializing into these ghouls.  They are slight of build and terrified, running in a panic in every direction, trying to cling to each other but getting separated from each other in the panic.  With them is a profound sense of terror and horror that goes well beyond just their gruesome appearance.  The scene is for some reason in black and white instead of color (I wondered later if that was to partially protect myself from the horror).


I am completely shocked staring at this not believing it can be real in front of my eyes. I feel like something like this should be on the news if it was real but I had not heard anything.  I feel a profound horror emanating from the place but for some reason am not totally scared of the ghouls, they feel weak and diminished like golem from Lord of the Rings and seem more interested in running than attacking.  Some of them run by me out of the store but I continue to stare into the store window in shock.  I feel like I want to ask the government workers I just saw what is happening here but then I decide the smart thing is to get away from obvious danger so I turn and run myself.  Luckily I clearly remember the way back.  Then I wake with a start to a fine Thanksgiving morning with tears in my eyes.  

Looking back on the dream, I wonder if mean old man Larry has finally died or will soon and this horror is where he is going.  But as much as I didn't like him and he may well be an evil person, after seeing it, I couldn't wish this kind of hell on anyone.  

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